
In the past year, Mission Exhale has conducted workshops in a diverse range of settlings, from schools to VAWG early intervention programs, Mind in Haringey, conferences, and various other events. M.E also ran a 3 Day Interactive Retreat Building Psychological Resilience in partnership with Enfield Council’s Youth Development Service.

Mission Exhale workshops have a tailored approach, and each programme is crafted to suit the unique needs of those who book our services. From affirmations, neuropsychology, mental health and trauma, psychological resilience, self-development, self-esteem, positive body image, confidence, well-being, recovery, or a myriad of other topics, we're committed to creating a workshop that resonates with our client’s requirements.

Our founder and workshop facilitator, Shevelle Serita, brings a wealth of experience to our workshops, offering a safe, interactive and nurturing space for individuals to grow, reflect, and be empowered on their journeys of well-being and self-improvement.