Welcome to M.E

Our Founder's Story:

Shevelle Serita is a multifaceted woman, unapologetically living authentically. Shevelle is passionate about helping people on their healing journeys, pursuing wellbeing, prioritising self-care, increasing self-compassion and thinking and feeling positively.

Shevelle Serita has overcome significant challenges and transformed her life and mindset through resilience and authenticity. Battling low moods, depression, self-harm, and suicidal ideation and a suicide attempt from as young as 12 years old, she made the courageous decision to break free from fear, pressure and perfectionism in 2020. 

Mission Exhale was birthed in 2022, a platform dedicated to understanding, serving and empowering others through events, workshops, coaching and inspiring products such as affirmation cards and journals.

Shevelle's mission is to empower individuals to embrace themselves authentically and wholly, and rewrite their stories despite adversity. Surviving trauma is a significant achievement, but Shevelle believes this is only the beginning and supports people on their journey to embracing safety and security whilst making a decision to shift gears and THRIVE. 

Explore our inspiring products in the Mission Exhale Shop, book Shevelle for transformative workshops and talks, and join our community by subscribing to our mailing list for event/speaking updates and special discounts.

Don’t forget to exhale x